
Togetanembedcodeforyourtrackorplaylist,clickthe'Share'buttonbelowthewaveformandanoverlaywillappear.Clickontheembedtabtoviewwhat ...,ClickontheSharebutton-thenclickonEmbedtab(top)toseeyourEmbedcode.Thiscodecanthenbeusedonyourwebsite,blog,orFaceboo...

新增SoundCloud 曲目或播放清單


** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

Embedding a track or playlist

To get an embed code for your track or playlist, click the 'Share' button below the waveform and an overlay will appear. Click on the embed tab to view what ...


Click on the Share button - then click on Embed tab (top) to see your Embed code. This code can then be used on your website, blog, or Facebook Tab. facebook ...

How can I share music from SoundCloud on social media?

In the latest version of the SoundCloud app find the track, profile, album or playlist you want to share · Tap the share icon · Tap the icon of the social media ...

Soundcloud Facebook OpenGraph Embed

Soundcloud Facebook OpenGraph Embed. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

Track or playlist not embedding properly on Facebook

... SoundCloud profile and Facebook is trying to reach the older information. To resolve this you will need to debug your track link by copying and pasting it ...


2024年4月18日 — 在網站中添加音樂可以使網站更具交互性,我們推薦一款不錯的應用程序-- SoundCloud! 如果有任何疑問,請隨時聯繫我們:[email protected]

新增SoundCloud 曲目或播放清單

開啟另一個網頁瀏覽器分頁/視窗並前往SoundCloud 登入或建立帳戶。 搜尋欲加入「音訊」區段的曲目或播放清單。找到曲目/播放清單後,點選「分享」按鈕。

添加SoundCloud 音樂播放機

2024年4月22日 — 1. 進入”編輯器> 添加新版塊> 選擇”高級功能“中的”插件嵌入&HTML“ 版塊。 · 2. 滑鼠指標移到版塊上,點擊出現的“編輯” 按鈕,選擇”SoundCloud“。 · 3. 進入 ...


Togetanembedcodeforyourtrackorplaylist,clickthe'Share'buttonbelowthewaveformandanoverlaywillappear.Clickontheembedtabtoviewwhat ...,ClickontheSharebutton-thenclickonEmbedtab(top)toseeyourEmbedcode.Thiscodecanthenbeusedonyourwebsite,blog,orFacebookTab.facebook ...,InthelatestversionoftheSoundCloudappfindthetrack,profile,albumorplaylistyouwanttoshare·Taptheshareicon·Taptheiconofthesocialmedia .....