
Stretchlyisacross-platformopensourceappthatremindsyoutotakebreakswhenworkingonyourcomputer.Downloads|About|News|Sponsor|Research ...,Thebreaktimereminderapp.Contributetohovancik/stretchlydevelopmentbycreatinganaccountonGitHub.,Stretchlyisacross-p...

Releases · hovancikstretchly


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Downloads - Stretchly

Stretchly is a cross-platform open source app that reminds you to take breaks when working on your computer. Downloads | About | News | Sponsor | Research ...

Releases · hovancikstretchly

The break time reminder app. Contribute to hovancik/stretchly development by creating an account on GitHub.

hovancikstretchly: The break time reminder app

Stretchly is a cross-platform Electron app that reminds you to take breaks when working on your computer. Become a Sponsor! Become a Patron! Table of ...

Stretchly 過度專注電腦工作者的休息提醒軟體,免費跨平台

「 stretchly 」是跨平台的開源軟體,你可以到「 stretchly 下載清單」去下載符合你系統的最新版本檔案, Mac 用戶可下載dmg 檔案, Windows 32 位元用戶就 ...

工作太專心、用電腦時間太長Stretchly 支援多平台的免費提醒小工具

而這篇要介紹的Stretchly 就是一套不錯的提醒輔助工具,免費下載,已內建好適合短休息與長休息的時間,時間一到就會提醒你該休息一下,Mac、Windows 與Linux ...

Stretchly - The break time reminder app

Stretchly is a cross-platform open source app that reminds you to take breaks when working on your computer. Downloads | About | News | Sponsor | Research ...

Stretchly - 在Windows 上免費下載並安裝

評分 4.6 (10) · 免費 · Windows Stretchly is a cross-platform open source app that reminds you to take breaks when working on your computer. Stretchly itself lives in your tray, ...


Time management tool for PC. Stretchly is a free and open-source program that was created by an independent developer named Jan Hovancik for PC. This utility ...

Install Stretchly on Linux

The break time reminder app. Stretchly is a cross-platform Electron app that reminds you to take breaks when working on your computer.


Stretchlyisacross-platformopensourceappthatremindsyoutotakebreakswhenworkingonyourcomputer.Downloads|About|News|Sponsor|Research ...,Thebreaktimereminderapp.Contributetohovancik/stretchlydevelopmentbycreatinganaccountonGitHub.,Stretchlyisacross-platformElectronappthatremindsyoutotakebreakswhenworkingonyourcomputer.BecomeaSponsor!BecomeaPatron!Tableof ...,「stretchly」是跨平台的開源軟體,你可以...