
Introduction:SynkronisabasicQTapplicationwhichisaperfecttooltosynchronizemanyfoldersatonce.Itcansynceverytypeofdatasuchasdocument, ...,SynkronInternationalisasafety,engineering,andmaintenancecompanybasedinNairobi,Kenyathatconductsengineeringandmaintenanceservicesacrossthe ...,Synkronisanopen-sourcemultiplatformutilitydesignedforfilesynchronizationoftwoormorefolders,includingsynchronizationbetw...

Complete tutorial for Synkron (open source application ...

Introduction: Synkron is a basic QT application which is a perfect tool to synchronize many folders at once. It can sync every type of data such as document, ...

Industrial Engineering Firm | Synkron International

Synkron International is a safety, engineering, and maintenance company based in Nairobi, Kenya that conducts engineering and maintenance services across the ...


Synkron is an open-source multiplatform utility designed for file synchronization of two or more folders, including synchronization between computers.


使用在线库存管理软件Synkron 无缝更新库存水平,消除超卖并提高客户满意度。无需再为手动盘点每个平台的库存水平而烦恼不已! 目前,我们为Walmart、eBay、Flipkart ...


2023年7月11日 — Synkron is a simple application that allows you to sync folders with a flash disk or a folder on your hard disk. There are several key features ...

Synkron download

2014年10月11日 — Synkron is a simple Qt application that allows you to sync folders, for example a flash disk with a folder on your hard disk.

Synkron: Best E

Synkron makes multi-channel inventory management easy by automatically synchronizing your inventory across all sales channels and keeps track of every unit ...



FTPbox 2.6.3 利用FTP/SFTP打造自己的Dropbox

FTPbox 2.6.3 利用FTP/SFTP打造自己的Dropbox
