Reducing Stress Through Deep Breathing (1 of 3)



Learner's definition of 'take a deep breath'

If you say that you took a deep breath before doing something dangerous or frightening, you mean that you tried to make yourself feel strong and confident.

What does it mean when someone says 'take a deep breath ...

When someone suggests taking a deep breath in response to an emotional situation, they are likely recommending a relaxation technique.


影片:breath: 呼吸, breathe, take in, breathe in, lung, 肺, take a deep breath,龍騰Book2 Lesson2 (含課文的講解)。源自於:均一教育平台- 願每個孩子都成為終身 ...

TAKE A DEEP BREATH | English meaning

Meaning of take a deep breath in English to make yourself calm again after being angry or upset : Both of you need to take a deep breath and calm down a little. I was furious but I took a deep breath before I answered him. See. take.

TAKE A DEEP BREATH Definition & Meaning - Merriam

The meaning of TAKE A DEEP BREATH is to breathe deeply : to take a lot of air into the lungs. How to use take a deep breath in a sentence.

TAKE A DEEP BREATH definition and meaning

If you say that you took a deep breath before doing something dangerous or frightening, you mean that you tried to make yourself feel strong and confident. I ...

TAKE A BREATH in Traditional Chinese

to breathe air into your lungs (as a single action) 吸氣 The doctor told me to take a deep breath (= breathe in a lot of air). 醫生讓我做深呼吸。

Why is everyone telling you to “take a deep breath”?

“Take a few deep breaths” may be more than words of comfort in times of stress. Science shows that breathing slowly and deeply can induce a relaxation response ...

Definition of deep breathing

Deep breathing involves breathing in slowly through the nose and then out through the mouth using the diaphragm (the thin muscle that separates the chest from ...

Take a breath - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms

verb draw air into, and expel out of, the lungs synonyms: breathe, respire, suspire respire undergo the biomedical and metabolic processes of respiration.


Ifyousaythatyoutookadeepbreathbeforedoingsomethingdangerousorfrightening,youmeanthatyoutriedtomakeyourselffeelstrongandconfident.,Whensomeonesuggeststakingadeepbreathinresponsetoanemotionalsituation,theyarelikelyrecommendingarelaxationtechnique.,影片:breath:呼吸,breathe,takein,breathein,lung,肺,takeadeepbreath,龍騰Book2Lesson2(含課文的講解)。源自於:均一教育平台-願每個孩子都成為終身 ...,Mean...