Talking Book-APP facilitates the blind users' ability to read digital daisy books. The main function of the talking book player include computer memory and ...
2022年2月3日 — The Radio Talking Book Network (RTB) is a free news and information service that broadcasts 24 hours a day, every day, to listeners across ...
2022年2月2日 — The Radio Talking Book Network (RTB) is a free news and information service that broadcasts 24 hours a day, every day, to listeners across ...
Digital talking book player that offers the option of reading the text and listening to the audio independently. As the audio is played, the on-screen text is ...
由 呂紹禾 著作 · 2012 — 並列摘要. The purpose of this paper is to implement a portable Mandarin Chinese DAISY digital talking book player for blind and visually impaired people. To ...
... Talking Book, an easy-to-use audio device design for low-literate users. Our suite of products also includes an audio content manager, a smartphone app to ...