
Test pilot

A test pilot is an aircraft pilot with additional training to fly and evaluate experimental, newly produced and modified aircraft with specific maneuvers, ...

TEST PILOT中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典

8 天前 — TEST PILOT翻譯:試飛員。了解更多。

TEST PILOT在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯

TEST PILOT的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. someone whose job is to fly new aircraft in order to make certain that they are effective 2…。了解更多。


TestPilot takes the pain out of writing unit tests. It uses GitHub Copilot's AI technology to suggest tests based on your existing code and documentation.

TESTPILOT (@toliptset) • Instagram photos and videos

33K Followers, 4 Following, 25 Posts - TESTPILOT (@toliptset) on Instagram:

Testpilot - Deadmau5 Wiki

Testpilot is the techno based alias of Joel Zimmerman. However, he has only ever released one track under this name, and mainly uses Testpilot for ...

TESTPILOT(@toliptset)• Instagram 相片與影片

33K 位粉絲、 4 人追蹤中、 25 則貼文- 查看TESTPILOT(@toliptset)的Instagram 相片和影片.


Atestpilotisanaircraftpilotwithadditionaltrainingtoflyandevaluateexperimental,newlyproducedandmodifiedaircraftwithspecificmaneuvers, ...,8天前—TESTPILOT翻譯:試飛員。了解更多。,TESTPILOT的意思、解釋及翻譯:1.someonewhosejobistoflynewaircraftinordertomakecertainthattheyareeffective2…。了解更多。,TestPilottakesthepainoutofwritingunittests.ItusesGitHubCopilot'sAItechnologytosuggesttestsbasedonyou...