
The Crowded Room

A captivating thriller told through a series of interviews with curious interrogator Rya Goodwin (Amanda Seyfried), Danny's life story unfolds, revealing ...

The Crowded Room

In Manhattan in the summer of 1979, a young man is arrested for a shocking crime, and an unlikely investigator must solve the mystery behind it before ...

The Crowded Room (TV Mini Series 2023)

In Manhattan in the summer of 1979, a young man is arrested for a shocking. Play trailer2:21.


AcaptivatingthrillertoldthroughaseriesofinterviewswithcuriousinterrogatorRyaGoodwin(AmandaSeyfried),Danny'slifestoryunfolds,revealing ...,,,InManhattaninthesummerof1979,ayoungmanisarrestedforashockingcrime,andanunlikelyinvestigatormustsolvethemysterybehinditbefore ...,InManhattaninthesummerof1979,ayoungmanisarrestedforashocking.Playtrailer2:21.