
在2010年成立的TheNounProject是icon圖庫平台網站,設計師們可以將自己創作的icon上傳到這個網站和大加分享。據TheNounProject網站統計,已經有 ...,Thenoun.Inspirationaldesigns,illustrations,andgraphicelementsfromtheworld'sbestdesigners.Wantmoreinspiration?Browseoursearchresults.,TheNounProjectisawebsitethataggregatesandcatalogssymbolsthatarecreatedanduploadedbygraphicdesignersaroundtheworld.,Borrowedf...

【免費】設計師必備!The Noun Project 超過100 萬個icon 圖示

在2010年成立的 The Noun Project 是icon 圖庫平台網站,設計師們可以將自己創作的icon 上傳到這個網站和大加分享。據 The Noun Project 網站統計,已經有 ...


Thenoun. Inspirational designs, illustrations, and graphic elements from the world's best designers. Want more inspiration? Browse our search results.

The Noun Project

The Noun Project is a website that aggregates and catalogs symbols that are created and uploaded by graphic designers around the world.


Borrowed from Latin tenōn, from Ancient Greek τένων (ténōn). Pronunciation. edit · IPA: /tɛˈnuːn/, /ˈtɛnun/. Noun. edit. thenoun (plural tenouns or ...

philbotchethenoun-uploader: The Noun Project icons ...

thenoun uploader is a tool that helps people upload to Commons icons previously downloaded from The Noun Project. The tool should allow to upload one or many ...

Free Icons and Royalty-Free Images For Everyone

Icons for Everything. Access 7 million free icons to make any idea more memorable. From astronauts to zebras, we've got art-quality icons for every project. Browse Social-Media Icons · Browse Person Icons · Browse Teamwork Icons

The Noun Project

Noun Project has the most diverse collection of free icons and stock photos. Download SVG and PNG. Over 7 million art-quality icons and free photos.

Profile for The Noun Project

The world's most diverse and extensive collection of icons and mission-driven photos. Email questions and customer service requests to [email protected].

Thenoun Icons & Symbols

10 thenoun icons. Vector icons in SVG, PSD, PNG, EPS and ICON FONT.                                                                                                                                    

Noun Project (@nounproject) X

The world's most diverse and extensive collection of icons and mission-driven photos.