

TouchMousePointer Desktop app : Newest version The latest version has been integrated into the Tablet Pro STUDIO installer. Get from Microsoft store(Tablet Pro ...

TouchMousePointer - virtual touchpad (on

TouchMousePointer solves all these problems by making your touch screen into a track-pad that controls a standard cursor. At last your Windows tablet has a ...


評分 3.5 (17) · 免費 · Windows TouchMousePointer is a tool designed to help improve the usage of tablets and devices with touch screens so that you avoid bugs related to roll-over effects or ...

TouchMousePointer Virtual touchpad for Windows

Software that turns a Windows tablet into a trackpad or a touchpad for a PC or laptop via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.

TouchMousePointer for Windows

評分 5.0 (1) · 免費 · Windows TouchMousePointer is desktop application for Windows 8 or later. For tablet PC or convertibles PC slate mode. Requires touch interface.

TouchMousePointer Manager

評分 4.2 (5) TouchMousePointer Manager · 螢幕擷取畫面. Main screen · 說明. It is an application to manage desktop virtual touch pad TouchMousePointer. · 評分與評論. 閱讀較 ...

TouchMousePointer Manager - 在Windows 上下載並安裝

TouchMousePointer Manager · 螢幕擷取畫面. Main screen · 說明. It is an application to manage desktop virtual touch pad TouchMousePointer. · 評分與評論. 尚未有 ...

TouchMousePointer, virtual trackpad for Windows tablets

... touchmousepointer-windows-virtual-trackpad Subscribe to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/windowscentral?sub_confirmation=1 ...


TouchMousePointer是一个在Windows 8或以上操作系统运行的实用软件。 功能:. 它为触摸屏设备提供了一个类似传统笔记本的虚拟触控板,用户可以在这个 ...

觸控板模擬程式TouchMousePointer (第3頁)

觸控板模擬程式TouchMousePointer - 我也安裝TouchMousePointer 了這程式真的非常優質啊!微軟應該要把他買下來啊...(Windows平板電腦第3頁)


TouchMousePointerDesktopapp:NewestversionThelatestversionhasbeenintegratedintotheTabletProSTUDIOinstaller.GetfromMicrosoftstore(TabletPro ...,TouchMousePointersolvesalltheseproblemsbymakingyourtouchscreenintoatrack-padthatcontrolsastandardcursor.AtlastyourWindowstablethasa ...,評分3.5(17)·免費·WindowsTouchMousePointerisatooldesignedtohelpimprovetheusageoftabletsanddeviceswithtouchscreenssothat...