How to save your shsh blobs on macOS using tsschecker ...




tsschecker is a powerful tool to check TSS signing status on combinations of various apple devices and firmware versions. Features.

AUR (en) - tsschecker-git

Package Actions ; tsschecker-git · a powerfull tool to check tss signing status of various [Apple] devices and firmwares ·

How can I compile tsschecker for Windows?

2019年1月23日 — I'm trying to compile the C program tsschecker for Windows(on my Mac). I installed mingw-w64 with brew install mingw-w64 , but I'm not sure how ...

How to save .shsh2 blobs for futurerestore with tsschecker

2021年2月16日 — How to use tsschecker to save blobs. 1) Unzip the downloaded tsschecker file by double-clicking it. I used version 2) Create a folder ...


tsschecker is a powerful tool to check TSS signing status of various devices and iOS/iPadOS/tvOS/watchOS versions. Features.

TSS Saver

An online easy to use APTicket / SHSH2 blob saver and checker. SHSH2 blobs are used in unsigned iOS upgrades and downgrades.

[Free Release] latest tsschecker for Windows (x86_64)

2020年10月5日 — this release of tsschecker includes the following changes: Supports some new devices, including: Apple TV 4K (3rd generation).


在线抽取SHSH. 该款软件并不是万能的,例如笔者最新版iPad 5(Wifi)就无法识别和使用。最后还是使用在线版成功提取了SHSH。网址是这里:。

替Face ID 設備保存備份有效SHSH2 (Blob) 技巧

使用 tsschecker 備份SHSH2 (Blob) 教學. 步驟1. tsschecker 下載完成後,將它解壓縮至「下載項目」內,並開啟一個「tss」資料夾,將「tsschecker 」檔案移入資料夾內。


tsscheckerisapowerfultooltocheckTSSsigningstatusoncombinationsofvariousappledevicesandfirmwareversions.Features.,PackageActions;tsschecker-git·apowerfulltooltochecktsssigningstatusofvarious[Apple]devicesandfirmwares·,2019年1月23日—I'mtryingtocompiletheCprogramtsscheckerforWindows(onmyMac).Iinstalledmingw-w64withbrewinstallmingw-w64,butI'mnotsurehow ...,20...