
How to disable Typeform on mobile?

I have a Typeform embedded on a Wordpress site and there's no way to hide it on mobile. I tried wrapping the code in a: <div class=hide-on-mobile>

Close your form

Close your form. Want to stop receiving new responses, close your form after the first 100 submissions, or close your form on a certain date?

Remove Typeform branding

How to remove branding: ... 1. Open any form from your Workspace. Go to the Create panel and click on the Settings button (gear icon). ... 2. Toggle the Typeform ...

Enable or disable autosave progress for your respondents

You can choose to enable or disable autosave progress that stores your respondents' answers in their web browser before submitting your form.

How to Close a Typeform Survey

To close a Typeform survey, go to your Typeform dashboard, select the survey you want to close, and toggle the switch next to Accepting responses to the off ...

【Typeform 問卷教學】5分鐘學會線上問卷設計,提高回覆KPI!

要取消或關閉Surfshark 的自動續訂,通常需要在你的帳戶設置中進行操作:. 如果你在這個過程中遇到任何問題,或者在帳戶設置中找不到取消自動續訂的選項,你 ...


How to close Typeform survey? · Go totypeform.comand login with your account. Open the form you want to close. · Click here · Click on Access and scheduling.

How To Close Your Form On Typeform

How to close your form on Typeform is still something being searched online (we checked!) - so here's a tutorial to give you your options.

How to close your typeform to new responses

Stop receiving responses to your typeform by capping the number of responses, setting a close date, or closing your form manually whenever ...


IhaveaTypeformembeddedonaWordpresssiteandthere'snowaytohideitonmobile.Itriedwrappingthecodeina:,Closeyourform.Wanttostopreceivingnewresponses,closeyourformafterthefirst100submissions,orcloseyourformonacertaindate?,Howtoremovebranding:...1.OpenanyformfromyourWorkspace.GototheCreatepanelandclickontheSettingsbutton(gearicon)....2.ToggletheTypeform ...,Youcanchooseto...