Copy and Paste between Your Apple Devices with Universal ...

2022年3月9日—TheUniversalClipboardfeatureinmacOS,iOS,andiPadOSallowyoutocopycontent,includingtext,images,photos,andvideofromone ...,2023年5月18日—Apple'sUniversalClipboardfeatureallowsyoutocopythetextonyouriPhoneoriPadandpasteitonyourMacandviceve...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How to Set Up Universal Clipboard for macOS, iOS, and ...

2022年3月9日 — The Universal Clipboard feature in macOS, iOS, and iPadOS allow you to copy content, including text, images, photos, and video from one ...

9 Ways to Fix Universal Clipboard Not Working Between ...

2023年5月18日 — Apple's Universal Clipboard feature allows you to copy the text on your iPhone or iPad and paste it on your Mac and vice versa.

How to Use Universal Clipboard to Copy And Paste ...

Universal Clipboard is a feature that Apple has built into the macOS and iOS that allows you to copy-paste content from one Apple device to another. It works ...


2017年9月24日 — 透過Apple 神奇的Universal Clipboard 技術,我們現在可以在Mac, iPhone, iPad 多個裝置之間複製貼上,比方從iPhone 複製照片,然後於Mac 貼上。

Use Universal Clipboard to copy and paste between your ...

2024年2月7日 — With Universal Clipboard, you can copy content such as text, images, photos, and videos on one Apple device, then paste the content on another ...

How to Use Universal Clipboard On Your Mac, iPhone, iPad

2021年3月27日 — Universal Clipboard is a feature that Apple has built into the macOS and iOS that makes a copy and paste clipboard accessible to all of your ...

No AirDrop Needed

2021年10月25日 — Apple's Universal Clipboard function lets you copy text, images, and files between your iPhone, iPad, and Mac with just a few settings tweaks.


2022年3月9日—TheUniversalClipboardfeatureinmacOS,iOS,andiPadOSallowyoutocopycontent,includingtext,images,photos,andvideofromone ...,2023年5月18日—Apple'sUniversalClipboardfeatureallowsyoutocopythetextonyouriPhoneoriPadandpasteitonyourMacandviceversa.,UniversalClipboardisafeaturethatApplehasbuiltintothemacOSandiOSthatallowsyoutocopy-pastecontentfromoneAppledevicetoanother.Itworks ...,2017年9月2...