
4.2. Installing and Maintaining Guest Additions

Mount the VBoxGuestAdditions.iso file as your Oracle Solaris guest's virtual CD-ROM drive, exactly the same way as described for a Windows guest in Section 4.2.

7.0.14 VBoxGuestAdditions is the latest version

7.0.14 is the latest version of VBoxGuestAdditions. Download VBoxGuestAdditions_7.0.14.iso now.

Chapter 4. Guest Additions

The Oracle VM VirtualBox Guest Additions for all supported guest operating systems are provided as a single CD-ROM image file which is called VBoxGuestAdditions ...

Index of virtualbox

Index of /virtualbox. Name Last modified Size 4.0.0/ 22-Dec-2010 19:03 - 4.0.2/ 20-Jan-2011 11:42 - 4.0.4/ 13-Apr-2011 12:05 - 4.0.6/ 26-Apr-2011 15:49 ...

install VirtualBox Guest Additions on Windows



2012年10月20日 — Guest Additions are distributed on their own CD image (.iso file) named VBoxGuestAdditions.iso. How you get that file to the guest can depend on ...


2021年1月27日 — 小白的艰辛历程,记录点点滴滴,聚少成多。 1、准备virtualbox增强功能VBoxGuestAdditions.iso 默认安装virtualbox时就没有增强功能的iso


VirtualBox提供了一组驱动程序和应用程序(VirtualBox Guest Additions),可以安装在客户机操作系统中。 VirtualBox Guest Additions为虚拟机提供了一些有用的功能,例如 ...

Where to download Guest Additions ISO?

2023年4月22日 — The version of VirtualBox you are using. The host and guest OSes. Whether you have enabled VT-x/AMD-V (applicable to all hosts running 6.1 and ...


MounttheVBoxGuestAdditions.isofileasyourOracleSolarisguest'svirtualCD-ROMdrive,exactlythesamewayasdescribedforaWindowsguestinSection4.2.,7.0.14isthelatestversionofVBoxGuestAdditions.DownloadVBoxGuestAdditions_7.0.14.isonow.,TheOracleVMVirtualBoxGuestAdditionsforallsupportedguestoperatingsystemsareprovidedasasingleCD-ROMimagefilewhichiscalledVBoxGuestAdditions ...,Indexof/virtualbox.NameLastmod...

TeraCopy 3.9.2 檔案傳輸的專家級工具

TeraCopy 3.9.2 檔案傳輸的專家級工具

在古早以前的作業系統,嚴格來說應該是XP與Windows7的時候,那時候檔案複製移動是沒有排序的,若你執行很多個檔案讀取的動作,他會全部都一起執行,導致速度變成非常的慢,那時候就有TeraCopy或 Fastcopy這類的...