
TheJamesWebbSpaceTelescope(JWST)isaspacetelescopedesignedtoconductinfraredastronomy.Asthelargesttelescopeinspace,itisequippedwith ...JamesE.Webb·Webb'sFirstDeepField·Lagrangepoint·CarinaNebula,ViewAllAnniversaryExoplanetsFirstImagesGalaxiesGraphicsIllustrationsLaunchMIRINebulaeNIRCamNIRISSNIRSpecPictureoftheMonthQuasarsand ...WebbRevealsComplex...·WebbTakesaStunning,Star...·Webb'sFirstImages,W...

James Webb Space Telescope

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a space telescope designed to conduct infrared astronomy. As the largest telescope in space, it is equipped with ... James E. Webb · Webb's First Deep Field · Lagrange point · Carina Nebula


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大衛·麥可·韋伯(英語:David Michael Webb,香港傳媒一般直接使用其英文名字;—),生於英國倫敦,是香港證監會收購及合併委員會副主席,香港交易所前非執行董事, ...