wotlk notes addon
wotlk notes addon

2018年10月22日—Helloeveryone,IneedaNotepadaddonforWotLK.I'vefoundTinyPad(https://www.wowinterface.com/downloa...7-TinyPad.html)butIdon't ...,CharacterNotesallowsyoutosetandmanagenotesonotherplayer'scharacters.Notesarestoredperrealmsonotesareshare...

Handy Note


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Notepad addon for WotLK?

2018年10月22日 — Hello everyone, I need a Notepad addon for WotLK. I've found TinyPad ( https://www.wowinterface.com/downloa...7-TinyPad.html ) but I don't ...

Character Notes

Character Notes allows you to set and manage notes on other player's characters. Notes are stored per realm so notes are shared across your characters on a ...

Handy Note

You can add notes to the maps in 3 ways. Download. Downloads: 4960. How to install · More wotlk Addons. Category: Map & Minimap. Subscribe. Notify of.


Handy Notes for your maps. This addon is intended to be a small and simple replacement for Cartographer_Notes and functions in a similar manner. Use ...


2022年9月19日 — A HandyNotes plugin to show the Wrath of the Lich King rares on your map. (That means it requires HandyNotes, so go install it as well.) Items ...


2024年1月25日 — How can I generate the notes with times and spells for Method Raíl Tools? Is there any addon/web/excel to autogenerate it?

Sticky Note Addon?

2022年7月27日 — TL-DR: Is there an addon where I can put sticky notes with little messages on the top just as an overlay, similar to a hud element? Upvote 3

TinyPad : Miscellaneous

2015年1月3日 — TinyPad is a simple but powerful notepad addon that's easy to use. This addon works in Retail, Classic Era and WotLK Classic clients.

Simply Notes : Miscellaneous

2012年5月22日 — A very simple Notepad addon with an intuitive UI. You can store as many individual notes as you want; Your notes are available to all of ...


2018年10月22日—Helloeveryone,IneedaNotepadaddonforWotLK.I'vefoundTinyPad(https://www.wowinterface.com/downloa...7-TinyPad.html)butIdon't ...,CharacterNotesallowsyoutosetandmanagenotesonotherplayer'scharacters.Notesarestoredperrealmsonotesaresharedacrossyourcharactersona ...,Youcanaddnotestothemapsin3ways.Download.Downloads:4960.Howtoinstall·MorewotlkAddons.Category:Map&Minimap.Subscribe.No...