wow notes addon
wow notes addon

2021年3月12日—Iamlookingforaningameaddonthatwillallowtocreatenotesandeasilyaccessthem.I'vedownloadedanaddoncalledCharacternotes, ...,2011年5月2日—Withthisaddonyoucancreateandmanagetextnotesingame.Recipes,todos,allyourtextnotesaresavedandeverychar...

TinyPad : Miscellaneous


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In-game notes addon?

2021年3月12日 — I am looking for an in game addon that will allow to create notes and easily access them. I've downloaded an addon called Character notes, ...


2011年5月2日 — With this addon you can create and manage text notes ingame. Recipes, todos, all your text notes are saved and every character of your account ...


Handy Notes for your maps. This addon is intended to be a small and simple replacement for Cartographer_Notes and functions in a similar manner. Use ...

Looking for a addon that can display your own notes on a ...

2020年5月27日 — Im looking for an addon that can display my own notes like in the picture below. Ive tried Tinypad, it works, but its a little too much for me ...

Sticky Note Addon?

2022年7月27日 — TL-DR: Is there an addon where I can put sticky notes with little messages on the top just as an overlay, similar to a hud element?

Addon for creating item notes

2023年1月16日 — I'm looking for an addon that will allow me to create notes on items. Like Notation ( for example ...

NotesUNeed : Data Mods

Make Contact Notes on other Players, or General Notes on anything else. This AddOn is for making your own custom notes on players, and quests, and items, etc.

TinyPad : Miscellaneous

TinyPad is a simple but powerful notepad addon that's easy to use. This addon works in Retail, Classic Era, Cataclysm Classic, and TWW beta clients.


2021年3月12日—Iamlookingforaningameaddonthatwillallowtocreatenotesandeasilyaccessthem.I'vedownloadedanaddoncalledCharacternotes, ...,2011年5月2日—Withthisaddonyoucancreateandmanagetextnotesingame.Recipes,todos,allyourtextnotesaresavedandeverycharacterofyouraccount ...,HandyNotesforyourmaps.ThisaddonisintendedtobeasmallandsimplereplacementforCartographer_Notesandfunctionsinasimilarmanner.Use .....