


我相信你們一定聽過愛迪生說過的這句話:「天才是百分之一的靈感,加上百分之九十九的努力。」 (Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. ).

50 個超勵志的英文佳句,讓你天天充滿動力& 正能量!還可以學到 ...

1. In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity. (每個困境中都充滿著機會。) 2. The best revenge is massive success.


“I don't do anything unless I can give it 100%.” 我不做任何事,除非我能100% 投入。 “However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and ...


To the world you may be just one person. To the person you may be the world. 對這世界來說,你也許只是某個人;但對某個人來說,你卻是全世界。

抄寫吧!成就美好人生的365句英文格言(【博客來限量版】高質感 ...

百萬鄉民的心靈導師與暢銷書作家羅布列提出七大觀念X收錄365句智慧英文格言每日抄寫一句,不僅能提升英文能力, 還能學習正面思考,獲得智慧和力量!


3. “Wisdom is only found in truth.” — Goethe 只有真理中才能尋得智慧。 ... 4. “Great hopes make everything great possible.” ... 偉大的希望讓每件偉大的事有機會實現。

[PDF] 英文的名言佳句1. A bad excuse is worse than none. 糟糕的藉口還 ...

英文的名言佳句. 1. A bad excuse is worse than none. 糟糕的藉口還不如沒有。 2. A bad workman quarrels with his tools. 拙匠常怪其器不精。 3. A bird in hand is ...

英文佳句225 句:人生、愛情、勵志、電影金句、名人格言全收錄 ...

I love you for all that you are, all that you have been, and all you're yet to be. 我愛你的全部,包含當下、曾經以及未來的你。 二、英文勵志短句總整理:用英... · 二)愛情語錄英文佳句 · 三)勵志語錄英文佳句

名言佳句英文總集|精選20+ 英文勵志短句與人生語錄!

評分 5.0 (3) 充滿人生哲理的英文勵志短句 · Stay hungry, stay foolish. 保持飢渴,保持愚蠢。 · Action is the foundational key to all success. 行動是一切成功的基石。 · The night ...