
「make a practice of sth」中文意思是「養成…的習慣」

「practice」再英文名詞中有「練習」的意思,但如果聽到外國人跟你說到「make a practice of sth」時,其實這句是在講「養成…的習慣,經常做…」喔!

develop a habit - 英中

People usually develop the habit of physical exercise [...] people have sufficient opportunities for sports and movement.


培养运动习惯,每周最少运动四天。 Introduce exercise into your routine, at least four times a week.

How do you say this in English (US)? 養成習慣

example養成運動習慣:develop a habit of exercising (介系詞要加動名詞喔prep+Ving). See a translation.


I am trying to form a new habit of weekly workout this year. 今年我想養成每週運動的習慣。 My son bites his nails out of habit. 我兒子有咬指甲的 ...

How to create good habits 如何养成良好的习惯

改掉或养成习惯并非易事。不论是戒除恶习,还是改善自我,都需要时间和毅力。但意志力是唯一的决定因素吗?本期节目聊一聊怎样才能突破固有的生活模式,养 ...


各種好習慣的英文 · 勤喝水Drinking plenty of water · 享受閱讀Enjoy reading · 規律運動Exercise regularly · 友善待人be friendly and helpful · 好好記帳 ...

規律地regularly |

父親非常鼓勵我以規律地運動,來保持健康體態。 My father greatly encourages me to work out regularly to stay fit. 規律地運動有哪些好處?

英文早自習單字介紹- fitspiration

許多人覺得養成規律的運動習慣很難,它的確需要一點激勵與動力! 今天要介紹給大家這個和運動有關的單字,希望能激發大家多點動能,一起動起來!

了解習慣如何養成,掌握改變的契機!」- The Power of Habit

There was a big study that was done about how to create exercise habits. And so what they did is they told a group of people, Okay, first of ...

