

Breaking bad habits requires a lot of willpower because temptations are everywhere. 戒掉壞習慣需要很大的意志力,因為誘惑無處不在。 routine ...

戒除| 繁體中文

to give up or stop a habit or a regular activity: I must get out of the habit of finishing people's sentences for them. 我得改掉打斷別人,然後替人把話說完的習慣 ...

【#戒掉英文怎麼說?】 你也有什麼不為人知的習慣嗎? #有邊唸編...

???????? #有邊唸編 吃宵夜的壞習慣一直戒不掉....???????? 壞習慣改都改不掉,好習慣想開始又做不到,那是因... so I'm breaking the habit. I'm breaking the habit ...


每日一習:habit 戒掉壞習慣除了之前說過的kick the habit / break the habit,還可以用drop the habit! (Dropping a habit is easier said than done, ...


就是這些壞習慣 · bite one's nails 咬指甲 · pick one's nose 挖鼻屎 · cross one's legs 翹腳 · shake one's leg 抖腳 · procrastinate 拖拖拉拉.


戒除壞習慣的英文例句 · 我以前每天喝咖啡,但去年戒掉了~ I used to drink coffee every day, but I kicked the habit last year. · 凱莉以前有臉書成癮的 ...

3 個需要戒除的壞習慣(3 Bad Habits to Break Up With)

因為我們有三種壞習慣必須改掉。 So first and foremost, skipping the basics. 首先,把基本略過的壞習慣。 ... 無論我們是誰都一樣,有時我們不能或不會優先 ...


”戒掉习惯“最常用的表达方式是break a (the) habit 或give up a (the) habit,通常戒掉的都是不好的习惯,比如抽烟或喝酒等,例如: It's easier to develop ...

有些習慣已成自然比如看到戴爾貼文就要按讚 (一定要吧) ???? Habit ...

???? 3.It's challenging to kick the habit of procrastination, but it's essential for productivity. (戒除拖延的壞習慣很有挑戰性,但對於提高生產力很 ...

#諺語#nicole英文諺語踢皮球?⁣ kick the habit 是什麼意思?⁣ 戒掉 ...

⁣ 戒掉壞習慣,如何用英文表達呢? K編⁣ ... kick the habit 戒掉壞習慣⁣ ... A: I'm done with late-night snacks.⁣ 我不吃宵夜了⁣ ... B: Wow, you kicked the ...


Breakingbadhabitsrequiresalotofwillpowerbecausetemptationsareeverywhere.戒掉壞習慣需要很大的意志力,因為誘惑無處不在。routine ...,togiveuporstopahabitoraregularactivity:Imustgetoutofthehabitoffinishingpeople'ssentencesforthem.我得改掉打斷別人,然後替人把話說完的習慣 ...,????????#有邊唸編吃宵夜的壞習慣一直戒不掉....????????壞習慣改都改不掉,好習慣想開始又做不到,那是因...soI'mbreakingthehabit.I...