


扁的英文翻譯. 基本釋義. (surname) · small boat. 參考釋義. 扁 [piān]. - (形體小的) small. - (邊遠的) out-of-the-way. 扁 [biǎn]. - (物體面闊而體薄) flat:.


扁的英文翻译. 基本释义. (surname) · small boat. 参考释义. 扁 [piān]. - (形体小的) small. - (边远的) out-of-the-way. 扁 [biǎn]. - (物体面阔而体薄) flat:.


建议 ... 截面成扁平形的单丝。 It is monofilament with its section as flat form. 现在我要打扁你! Now I'm going to beat you up! 你也会来扁我! I am afraid you would ...


给力词典为您提供扁的英文翻译,扁的读音,拼音[biǎn] 扁翻译:扁的英文flat 表示扁。 以上是给力词典详细汇总的扁的翻译,还可以查询包括扁的词组短语、用法例句,扁的英语 ...

壓扁| 繁體中文

壓扁 ... to press something very hard so that it is broken or its shape is destroyed: The package had been badly crushed in the post. 包裹在郵寄 ...

要把揍扁| 繁體中文-英文翻譯-劍橋字典

要把揍扁 ... If you say that you will knock someone's block off, you are threatening to hit them very hard, especially on the head. I ...

扁- Translation in English

flat {adj.} 扁(also: 平坦, 平坦的, 无力的, 无聊的, 乏味的, 倒下的, 单调的, ...


欠揍英文、欠打英文、欠扁英文. 要用英文說,你想我打你嗎?你欠揍嗎?你欠扁嗎?你可以用下面的句型。 Do you want me to ________you ?(你想我___你嗎?).

'扁' 的英语Translation | 柯林斯汉语- 英语词典

扁 ... 自行车胎扁了。 [Zìxíngchē tāi biǎn le.] The bicycle tyre is flat. see also 扁 piān. Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers. All ...