

參考釋義 · - draw [cast] lots; draw by lot: draw group A; 抽籤進A組. draw [cast] lots for turns; 抽籤決定次序 · 短語. 抽籤兌換債券draw bond. 抽籤分配distribute ...

抽籤| 繁体中文-英语翻译——剑桥词典

5 天前 · 抽籤 ... to make a decision by choosing from a set of objects such as pieces of paper or sticks that are all the same except for one: We drew ...

抽籤| 繁體中文

5 天前 · 抽籤 ... to make a decision by choosing from a set of objects such as pieces of paper or sticks that are all the same except for one: We drew ...


<lottery的意思> 名詞:抽籤、抽獎、彩券. Lottery也可以用於政府主辦的大規模彩券。其特徵是如果沒有得獎者的話,會將獎金累積到下一期開獎。累積獎金的 ...

'抽签' 的英语Translation | 柯林斯汉语- 英语词典

抽签 ... 昨天我们是抽签决定谁洗碗的。 [Zuótiān wǒmen shì chōuqiān juédìng shuí xǐwǎn de.] Yesterday we drew lots to decide who was going to wash the dishes.


draw straws 抽籤. Straw 除了一般是指「稻草、麥桿」的意思以外,搭配動詞draw「拔、抽」之後,draw straws 指的則是「抽籤」喔!假設你跟室友們討論不出來 ...

抽籤|draw lots

抽籤|draw lots ... 在台灣,民眾會到廟宇「抽籤」(draw lots)祈求神明指點迷津,除了求籤之外,「擲杯(筊)」也是台灣民眾經常用來向神明問事的方式,擲筊英文 ...

抽签- WordReference 汉

主要翻译. 英语, 中文. draw n, (drawing of lots), SCSimplified Chinese 抽签chōu qiān. SCSimplified Chinese 抓阄chōu qiān,zhuā jiū.


參考釋義·-draw[cast]lots;drawbylot:drawgroupA;抽籤進A組.draw[cast]lotsforturns;抽籤決定次序·短語.抽籤兌換債券drawbond.抽籤分配distribute ...,5天前·抽籤...tomakeadecisionbychoosingfromasetofobjectssuchaspiecesofpaperorsticksthatareallthesameexceptforone:Wedrew ...,5天前·抽籤...tomakeadecisionbychoosingfromasetofobjectssuchaspiecesofpaperorsticksthatareallthesameexceptforone:Wedrew ...,<lottery...