


Do you need us to follow up your order? Please let us know if you need anything. 我们非常感谢您的支持和信任。请问您的订单是否需要我们跟进?

【職場英文】用這8 句必學英文句來向同事、客戶、主管有禮貌地催促 ...

適用於上對下: · As quickly as you can|越快越好 · I'd appreciate it if you could hurry|若能盡快處理,我會十分感謝 · I'll need that (soon)|我需要..... 適用於所有輩份、職位 · If it's not too much trouble|如... · 適用於上對下


1. We appreciate whatever you are able to do in order to expedite the progress. 如果你能帮忙尽力加速下进程,我们表示衷心感谢。 ①appreciate 用法之前已经提及,不再 ...


用主旨表明來意 · Confirmation of Your [ Order ] 已確認你的訂單 · Confirming [ Online Meeting Details ] 確認線上會議的細節 · Confirmation for [ Meeting ] on [ July ...


用来催促拖款很久的客户(语气缓和)​​ Since the account is long overdue, we would appreciate your prompt processing of payment on your side. 由于该款逾期已久,请你们 ...


可以给我们的成交的客户发邮件问问最近有没有订单,并且鉴于我们1月底的假期,希望客户可以提前订货。 Dear***. Wish you a nice day. Do you have any new ...

客戶遲遲未付款?學識這些英文單字及句型,催款專業而不失禮貎 ...

Part 3:如何用e-mail催款​ [要求回覆We would appreciate hearing back from you by phone or e-mail at your earliest convenience.] Thank you very ...


We would be grateful if... 是很好用的催促起手式喔! 文法小叮嚀這句的would 和could表示禮貌,是Would you please help me? 的那種有禮貌請求,並非完 ...


我是否在第一封信件中,清楚地說明我的需求? 若我們表述的需求不夠明確,客戶也許會優先選擇「需求更為明確、回覆更為容易」的信件來回信。


The earlier you place the order, the sooner we can schedule the production plan. 旺季将至,我们生产期已经排得很满。你越早下单,我们才能越快排单。