里约大冒险主题曲《Real In Rio》 标清

BeautifulCreatures-歌詞-Let'scometogether,singingloveandharmoniaWearesodifferent,butwe'rethesameinsideourheartsBeautifulc.,歌詞.IwanttopartyIwanttosambaIwanttopartyIwanttosambaIwanttopartyAndlivemylife(Pedro:livemylife)Iwanttoparty(party)Andfly ....。參考影片的文章的如下:


Beautiful Creatures

Beautiful Creatures-歌詞- Let's come together, singing love and harmonia We are so different, but we're the same inside our hearts Beautiful c.

Hot Wings (I Wanna Party)

歌詞. I want to party I want to samba I want to party I want to samba I want to party And live my life (Pedro: live my life) I want to party (party) And fly ...

Rio Rio (feat. B.o.B)

作詞: 作曲:. Ester Dean feat B.o.B.. Let me take u to Rio Let me take u to Rio Let me take you oh, Take you high. Take you far, in the sky Let me take you ...

Samba De Orly

Rio (里約大冒險) · 里約大冒險電影原聲帶(Rio:Music From The Motion Picture). 西洋、電影. 2011.01. 2分50秒. 作詞:Bebel Gilberto; 作曲:Chico Buarque、Antonio ...

【 里約+ 】 【 歌詞】共有12筆相關歌詞

8.到你身旁(& Viva宋佩豫) 方向穿越人山人海到你身旁Ye是誰說要去里約大冒險我好奇加拿大的楓葉是否扎到臉出發前先讓我來充滿電頭頂著閃電加州的晚宴yeah如果會擁有 ...

【配樂】里約大冒險2 Welcome Back

2014年4月8日 — 歌詞. Look at her shinin' Her feathers they glow. Now the jungle's smiling. Cause our baby's home. Can you feel what I feel?

【音樂推薦】里約大冒險2 Rio Rio (Feat.B.o.B)

2014年4月8日 — 歌詞. Let me take u to Rio Let me take u to Rio Let me take you oh, take you up. Take you far in the skyline

里約大冒險Telling the World歌詞

手:里約大冒險The One Telling You作曲:溫力銘作詞:溫力銘There was someoneGirlWith you foreverNever gonna leave your sideToo many pretendersSurrounding ...


Taio Cruz - Telling The WorldLyrics by PerlaaaaaaStarEvery part in my heart I'm giving out 我心中沦陷的每一个角落Every song on my lips I'm singing out 我 ...


BeautifulCreatures-歌詞-Let'scometogether,singingloveandharmoniaWearesodifferent,butwe'rethesameinsideourheartsBeautifulc.,歌詞.IwanttopartyIwanttosambaIwanttopartyIwanttosambaIwanttopartyAndlivemylife(Pedro:livemylife)Iwanttoparty(party)Andfly ...,作詞:作曲:.EsterDeanfeatB.o.B..LetmetakeutoRioLetmetakeutoRioLetmetakeyouoh,Takeyouhigh.Takeyoufar,intheskyLetmetakeyou ...,Rio(里約大冒險)·里約...