2025 AutoMute懶人包,推薦清單整理


在Mac App Store 上的「AutoMute

需要macOS 10.13 或以上版本。 語言. 英文. 年齡分級: 4+. Copyright: © Yoni Levy.


評分 4.5 (46) Great App - Amazing for those with office anxiety. This App is absolutely perfect! I got so tired of sound blasting out of my computer when I remove my ...

Auto Mute

You can just download and run a simple application that mutes your laptop on logoff and keeps it quiet on logon. Auto Mute software does exactly what you need!


AutoMuteUs is a Discord Bot that collects Among Us game data to automatically mute/unmute players during games! Add to Discord Capture Software


AutoMute automatically mutes every tab opened in your browser, effectively allowing you to opt-in to hear audio in a web page, instead of forcing you to opt- ...

【閒聊】AutoMute 插件Discord語音控制差件- Among Us

想說都沒有人介紹這款插件Discrd 自動語音控制討論階段能講話、遊戲階段消音、鬼之間能聊天Pewdiepie、Vanoss 各大YT、Twtich實況主都有裝這麼簡單又 ...

yonilevyautomute: A MacOS menu bar app that mutes the ...

As long as AutoMute is running, whenever your Mac goes to sleep, gets locked, or a pair of headphones gets disconnected - the sound is automatically muted.

Auto Mute

評分 3.4 (47) · 免費 · Android 自动静音是一个开源的应用程序基础上的音频播放类型自动静音或取消静音媒体音量。 自动静音可以被配置为自动取消静音媒体音频或显示媒体音量调节时的音乐,媒体,助理和 ...

Auto Mute Music

Want to listen to your favorite music, but also want to hear footsteps? This app automatically pauses background music during important moments in the game!