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Whiteboarding tool with hand drawn like experience. Ideal for conducting interviews, drawing diagrams, prototypes or sketches and much more!

Excalidraw | Hand

Excalidraw is a virtual collaborative whiteboard tool that lets you easily sketch diagrams that have a hand-drawn feel to them.


Excalidraw is a whiteboard tool that lets you easily sketch diagrams that have a hand-drawn feel to them. 1.4k followers · https://excalidraw.com ...

Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand

Create beautiful hand-drawn like diagrams, wireframes, or whatever you like. Features. The Excalidraw editor (npm package) supports: Free & open-source.

Excalidraw,在Obsidian 編輯器中畫出塗鴉風格的圖案

2021年4月27日 — 這篇文章介紹Obsidian 中一款非常有趣且實用的插件— Excalidraw,可以讓我們在Obsidian 編輯器中畫圖,而且繪圖效果我認為非常不錯,有濃厚 ...


Online whiteboard circle around word collaboration made easy. From the team behind the free open source Excalidraw editor underline.

Excalidraw 免費又強大的手繪風圖表、流程圖

2022年3月8日 — 整體來說,「 Excalidraw 」不只是一個具備「手繪風格」的白板、流程圖工具。他的延伸功能,即使只用免費版,也能繪製出需要的多種類型圖表、心智圖、介面 ...

Excalidraw 免費AI 生成流程圖,一鍵畫出知識圖表、專案流程

2023年11月30日 — Excalidraw AI 讓我們用簡單的文字,快速生成流程圖的草稿,更棒的是還可以繼續編輯修改。像是教學與學習、專案管理與目標規劃、商業策略與技術分析,還是 ...

5 分钟了解Excalidraw

介绍Excalidraw 是近两年新起的一款画图工具,主要包含白板、流程图的能力,它简单好用有画图界的Markdown 之称。 Excalidraw 素材展示特点手绘风格、简单易用、开源、 ...