2025 Mausr懶人包,推薦清單整理


免費資源網路社群:Mausr 以手繪辨識特殊符號,同時查出符號名稱

Mausr 是一款能以手寫來辨識特殊符號的免費工具,當你想要查詢某個符號時,只要打開網站,以滑鼠來畫出你「印象中」的特殊符號(有些符號筆劃很多也很複雜, ...

Mausr 以手繪辨識特殊符號,同時查出符號名稱、HTML 及UTF 代碼

Mausr 是一款能以手寫來辨識特殊符號的免費工具,當你想要查詢某個符號時,只要打開網站,以滑鼠來畫出你「印象中」的特殊符號(有些符號筆劃很多也很複雜 ...

NightElfikMausr: Simple neural network library and web ...

Mausr is a neural network library written from scratch and used for recognition of hand written unicode symbols. The library is relatively general and ...

Mausr Helps You Identify Unknown Symbols

The open source web app allows you to draw with your mouse or trackpad to look up certain symbols. You don't have to draw in a single stroke—it ...


Mausr is a library and web interface that performs unicode symbols recognition from hand drawn input using simple neural network.

Marek's blog

Mausr is a library and web interface that performs unicode symbols recognition from hand drawn input using simple neural network. The symbol recognition library ...


mausr.com/. Step1 進入網站後,左邊的框框中,就是繪製區,只要將要的特殊符號,畫在方框中。 梅問題-「Mausr」用畫的幫你尋找出HTML的特殊. Step2 當 ...




Mausr--只要手畫便能快速找到需要的html特殊符號. html提供許多特殊符號可使用,像是星星、金錢、箭頭.....等等,在作網頁設計時,這樣的話就不用切成圖片,而是能直接寫成html ...