All hunting rifles made by Mauser are based on traditional, down-to-earth values, combined with the most modern of rifle technology. Reliable, state-of-the-art firearm technology, solid one-piece steel structures, the Mauser double square bridge and excep
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Mauser, begun as Königliche Waffen Schmieden, is a German arms manufacturer. Their line of bolt-action rifles and semi-automatic pistols have been produced since the 1870s for the German armed forces. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Mauser them
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設計師必備的「線上工具」資源懶人包,每月更新已收錄 72 筆
【線上工具】Mausr 在螢幕上畫出個圖案就能快速找出特殊符號的編碼,例如箭頭、數學符號、星星等等…這個網站上有上百個特殊符號,不用去猜要打什麼字搜尋,直接畫出你印象中的符號形狀,這個網站會幫你快速找出,你只要直接複製貼上就能使用 ...
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Mausr About Symbols Drawings Train details Contact Draw a symbol Clear Created by Marek Fišer Basics stuff Symbol recognition About Mausr Contact Log in For curious people Symbols list Symbol drawings Train details Optimization function tests Fork me ...