Mauser, begun as Königliche Waffen Schmieden, is a German arms manufacturer. Their line of bolt-action rifles and semi-automatic pistols have been produced since the 1870s for the German armed forces. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Mauser them
Symbols This page lists all 110 symbols that are currently in the database. Mausr can only recognize symbols in this list (given enough training data). « Previous 1 2 3 4 ... 5 6 » Next £
Mausr 用畫的符號庫,熊熊一時忽然間需要符號嗎?上 Google 搜尋時,只能輸入符號表,然後再慢慢滑大海撈針? Mausr 改變搜尋符號的方式,直接把要用的符號用「畫」的,就可以立即找到要使用的符號,像我自己有時候寫文章寫到一半時,突然間會需要一個特殊符號,但鍵盤又打不出來,只好尋求 Google 大神,常常一找就耗掉不少時間,Mausr 也能算是工作必備的另類效率神器!