2025 TypeText懶人包,推薦清單整理

TypeText 1.34 快速插入常用字句的小幫手

TypeText 1.34 快速插入常用字句的小幫手



Overview of TypeText Acitvity

TypeText syntax. Typetext sends the text from the Property Text as a sequence of keys, to what ever application has focus right now (or windows, if none).

Selection.TypeText(String) Method

Required String. The text to be inserted. Remarks. If the ReplaceSelection property is True, the selection is replaced by the specified text.


typeText. const char * typeText() const. 傳回異常狀況類型的字串表示法,例如objectCreationError、invalidArgument。 上層主題: 公用方法.

typeText() | TestController

t.typeText Method. Types a string into an input field, a textarea element, or an element with the contenteditable  attribute. The method is chainable.


Types a string into the element.

Word) (Selection.TypeText 方法

2023年4月6日 — 如果ReplaceSelection 屬性為True,選取項目就會被指定的文字取代。 如果ReplaceSelection 為False,就會在選取項目前面插入指定的文字。

透過VBA Word97印表格

TypeText Text:=第一格 .Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell .Selection.TypeText Text:=第二格 .Selection.Cells.VerticalAlignment = wdCellAlignVerticalCenter ...