2025 duotones懶人包,推薦清單整理



made using black and another colour or two shades of the same colour: The exhibit consists of over 200 beautiful duotone photographs ...

Duotone by ShapeFactory

Find beautiful free duotone images to use in any project, or make custom duotone images by uploading your own image and applying a duotone effect in seconds.


Duotones is the fourth studio album by American saxophonist Kenny G, released on September 29, 1986 by Arista Records. It features one of Kenny G's ...

Use duotones in Photoshop

Duotone refers to monotones, tritones, and quadtones as well as duotones. Monotones are grayscale images printed with a single, non-black ink.

Duotone Effect Generator

Create beautiful duotone color pairings and effects for free. Use our images or upload one of your own, download when you're finished. Try it here.

Duotones: CD 和黑膠唱片

評分 4.8 (190) · US$8.24 1, Songbird. 2, Midnight Motion. 3, Don't Make Me Wait for Love. 4, Sade. 5, Champagne. 6, What Does It Take (To Win Your Love). 7, Slip of the Tongue.

DUOTONE ᐅ True Kiteboarding. True Windsurfing. Wing & Foiling.

Welcome to DUOTONE! We develop the most innovative wind & water sports equipment for your passion! Join the power of a new era!


Duotones · 1. How does it work ? • select one (or many) shape with an image fill. • click on Apply · 2. Colors : You can change colors using the colors inputs ...

Duotone Definition & Meaning - Merriam

The meaning of DUOTONE is having or yielding two tones or colors. How to use duotone in a sentence.

Duotones一鍵將照片套用雙色調效果,除了可自訂雙色彩外還可調整 ...

現在終於不用這麼麻煩了,直接透過Duotones這個線上平台,立即就能將照片變成雙色模式,甚至還可自訂雙色調的顏色,以及調整照片的對比與亮度,同時只需一鍵 ...