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Genact 程式碼產生器,工程師摸魚最高境界

Genact 程式碼產生器,工程師摸魚最高境界



genact - crates.io

genact - a nonsense activity generator ... Pretend to be busy or waiting for your computer when you should actually be doing real work! Impress ...


Nonsense activity generator. https://github.com/svenstaro/genact. License: MIT. Formula JSON API: /api/formula/genact.json. Formula code: genact.rb on ...

Gitee 极速下载Genact

Gitee.com(码云) 是OSCHINA.NET 推出的代码托管平台,支持Git 和SVN,提供免费的私有仓库托管。目前已有超过1200万的开发者选择Gitee。

genactREADME.md at master

genact - a nonsense activity generator · Pretend to be busy or waiting for your computer when you should actually be doing real work! Impress people with your ...

svenstarogenact: A nonsense activity generator

genact - a nonsense activity generator · Pretend to be busy or waiting for your computer when you should actually be doing real work! Impress people with your ... Issues 9 · Pull requests 0 · Actions · Editorconfig

genact download

Download genact for free. A nonsense activity generator. Pretend to be busy or waiting for your computer when you should actually be doing ...

genact - 假装电脑很忙 毫无用处的程序员忙碌状态生成器

genact 是一款毫无用处的程序员忙碌生成器,支持Windows、macOS、Linux,它会一直不停的模拟终端运行,显示很多内容,假装你的电脑很忙,让你摸鱼。


說明. 讓你的電腦假裝自己很忙的假象,好像在跑什麼程式,不然就是在下載什麼東西,好像很厲害,讓人無法質疑你是不是在偷懶。 內含多種裝忙的模組,可以依 ...