Remote Desktop Organizer 1.4.7 遠端桌面管理工具

Remote Desktop Organizer 1.4.7 遠端桌面管理工具

大家多少會有機會使用到遠端桌面連線工具,偶爾連線的話就是敲敲IP然後開始連線,若是常常使用的話可以另存設定檔,之後要連線時直接點兩下設定檔就可以遠端連線了,不過這樣的方式還不算真正的管理,真的的管理就需求一套可以整合的軟體,Remote Desktop Organizer就是一個不錯的整合工具,若是你手邊管理多台Windows伺服器,別錯過這個軟體唷!


Remote Desktop Organizer 1.4.7.rar(MediaFire下載)
Remote Desktop Organizer 1.4.7.rar(ZippyShare下載)
Remote Desktop Organizer 1.4.7.rar(Rapidgator下載)
Remote Desktop Organizer 1.4.7.rar(Uploading下載)
Remote Desktop Organizer 1.4.7.rar(本站下載)
檔案大小:914 KB

Remote Desktop Organizer

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【下載】Remote Desktop Organizer 1.4.4:::iThome Download

2012年2月21日 - 用過遠端桌面連線(Remote Desktop)連線到伺服器,一定會想找看看有沒有方便管理多台伺服器連線的工具,才不用開很多rdp視窗,Remote ...

Andy 的隨手寫技術筆記本: 好用工具

2013年12月11日 - 至從Windows 8 / 8.1 、 Windows Server 2012 / Server 2012 R2 出來後,先前的Remote Desktop Organizer V1.4.5 也無法支援Remote Desktop ...

Remote Desktop Organizer 1.4 Download (Free)

Remote Desktop Organizer is a tabbed remote desktop client, allowing you to easily organize all of your remote desktop connections in one place. Main Features:-Organize remote desktop connections in folders and subfolders-Drag and drop support for moving

Remote Desktop Organizer幫助您有系統的管理遠端桌面連線::

2012年2月9日 - 遠端桌面連線已經是工程師最常用的一項管理工具,尤其以SI工程師,遠端桌面連線可以減少很多的舟車勞頓,不過客戶主機名單很多,若不能有一套 ...

Remote Desktop Organizer

Remote Desktop Organizer, free download. A tabbed layout remote desktop interaction client which organizes remote desktop connections into tabs. 5 screenshots along with a virus/malware test and a free download link.

CodePlex - Remote Desktop Organizer

This is a fun little application that lets you easily manage lots of different Remote Desktops. It allows the user to apply custom alias's and descriptions so that it is easy denote which desktop is which and allows for easy customization ...

Download Remote Desktop Organizer

Remote Desktop Organizer free download, safe, secure and tested for viruses and malware by LO4D. Remote Desktop Organizer for Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and ...


- Added support for RDP v10.0 (Windows 10) DOWNLOAD Remote Desktop Organizer v1.4.6 - Added support for RDP v8.1 Remote Desktop Organizer v1.4.5 - Added support for ...

Remote Desktop Organizer

2011年3月9日 - Project Description This is a fun little application that lets you easily manage lots of different Remote Desktops. It allows the user to apply ...


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