下載連結:DOWNLOAD Remote Desktop Organizer v1.4.6 - Added support for RDP v8.1 關於 Remote Desktop Organizer 的軟體介紹,可參考一下電魔范的文章: Remote Desktop Organizer 遠端桌面管理工具 相關連結: 好用工具 - Remote Desktop Organizer V1 ...
加強版遠端桌面 – Remote Desktop Organizer(簡稱:RDO),讓遠端桌面連線也可以有多分頁的功能,可以使用資料夾方式將遠端連線分組、建立多組身份卡(多重登入資訊),最最重要的是–可以設定登入主機的主控台(Console)工作階段的夢幻功能(圖 ...
Remote Desktop Organizer is a tabbed remote desktop client, allowing you to easily organize all of your remote desktop connections in one place. Main Features:-Organize remote desktop connections in folders and subfolders-Drag and drop support for moving
2013年12月11日 - 至從Windows 8 / 8.1 、 Windows Server 2012 / Server 2012 R2 出來後,先前的Remote Desktop Organizer V1.4.5 也無法支援Remote Desktop ...
Remote Desktop Organizer (RDO) 1.4.6 免安裝版- 取代微軟遠端桌面http://www.azofreeware.com/2010/06/remote-desktop-organizer-142.html.
Remote connections are used by both network administrators and home users to provide assistance and run system troubleshooting. Having too many opened connections might result in PC slowdown or crashes and that is where Remote Desktop Organizer comes ...
很多人都和 demo 一樣必須要同時管理許許多多的遠端桌面,內建的陽春下拉選單一定是不能符合需求,而有此需求的網友們一定也知道 Royal TS 這套方便的工具,但因為 Royal TS 已經轉為商業軟體,最後免費版 demo 還用到現在呢
- Added support for RDP v10.0 (Windows 10) DOWNLOAD Remote Desktop Organizer v1.4.6 - Added support for RDP v8.1 Remote Desktop Organizer v1.4.5 - Added support for ...
This is a fun little application that lets you easily manage lots of different Remote Desktops. It allows the user to apply custom alias's and descriptions so that it is easy denote which desktop is which and allows for easy customization ...
Remote Desktop Organizer, free download. A tabbed layout remote desktop interaction client which organizes remote desktop connections into tabs. 5 screenshots along with a virus/malware test and a free download link.