TeamViewer 客製化輕鬆搞定!打造獨一無二的遠端桌面救援專線
TeamViewer 客製化輕鬆搞定!打造獨一無二的遠端桌面救援專線


TeamViewer Manual Management Console


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TeamViewer Management Console hangs - TeamViewer Community

Hey all, I just purchased a license, and am setting all my TeamViewer stuff up, however I seem to have managed to break my Management Console. Yes, the in-browser one. Yes, I'm also amazed. Here's a screenshot of the browser window, it just hangs

Management Console Archives

Find out more about this topic on the TeamViewer blog. TeamViewer Blog Search Posts by Doug McKerson October 19, 2015 Save Time Setting up Unattended Access for Remote Support ...

"TeamViewer Management Console"? (Premium license and above)

Alternatively, you can directly open up the website Afterwards you can enter your login credentials. If you do not have set up an ...

TeamViewer 9 Manual

TeamViewer 9 Management Console Manual Page 3 of 45 5.2 Editing a company profile 23 5.3 Joining a company profile 26

TeamViewer Management Console website

這項網站搜尋結果說明因為網站的 robots.txt 而無法提供瞭解詳情

TeamViewer 8 Manual - Management Console - TeamViewer

TeamViewer 8 Management Console Manual Page 2 of 29 Table of Contents 1 About the TeamViewer Management Console 4 1.1 About the Management Console 4

Getting Started with TeamViewer - Management Console

Learn about some of the great features found in the TeamViewer Management Console, and how to get started using them.

Teamviewer Login

這項網站搜尋結果說明因為網站的 robots.txt 而無法提供瞭解詳情

Develop your own app using the TeamViewer API

The TeamViewer API for application developers provides access to the following TeamViewer functionality: User Management Methods related to a TeamViewer company profile (e. g. create new company member, modify member information). Group Management ...

How to Take Full Advantage of TeamViewer Management Console

The Management Console is incredibly powerful and extremely important for everyone who wants to take full advantage of TeamViewer. Simply put, the Management Console provides access to certain TeamViewer features that are not available anywhere else. ...

TeamViewer 客製化輕鬆搞定!打造獨一無二的遠端桌面救援專線

TeamViewer 客製化輕鬆搞定!打造獨一無二的遠端桌面救援專線

若是談到遠端桌面的軟體,我想 TeamViewer 應該是很多人心目中的第一順位,因為又簡單又方便,而且個人使用的話也可以算是免費,該有的功能也不會少,不管是幫助別人、求助別人的首選軟體。為了提供企業用戶有更方便的識別標示,網頁上 TeamViewer Management Console 也提供了客製化的功能,能夠客製化QuickSupport、Host 與 QuickJoin 三種版本,讓一般使用者也可打造出獨一無二的識別標示。

建立 TeamViewer 自訂模組:

TeamViewer Management Console

△ 使用建立自訂模組必須登入 TeamViewer 帳號,若沒有帳號的話就簡單註冊一下即可。

TeamViewer Management Console

△ 以前 DIY 製作沒有綁定個人帳號,製作完成後的專案就會消失,現在透過 TeamViewer Management Console 來製作,可以保留之前的設計在線上,也能製作更多不同版本,這也是相當方便的地方。登入帳號後從「設計及部屬」進入,以下從個人化 QuickSupport 來示範。

TeamViewer Management Console

△ 能自己設定軟體的標題名稱,顯示的文字、文字顏色、背景顏色與標誌,標誌的比例大概為 27:10;右側邊設定專案的名稱,以及設定允許使用者輸入說明,以及開啟軟體時的免責聲明。設計完成後點選右下角的儲存即可。

TeamViewer Management Console

△ 儲存後會得到專屬的下載網址,網址後方可以設定自己想要的英文,譬如說我的是,下載後的檔案請勿更改檔案名稱,才能正確的使用唷!

TeamViewer Management Console

△ 軟體執行後就與設計的樣式一樣唷!!!套上自己的 LOGO 與名稱,有沒有感覺到更專業啊!針對需要立即使用的客戶:TeamViewer QuickSupport  簡單而小型的模組,不需安裝即可立即執行,也不需要管理權限。

TeamViewer Management Console

△ QuickJoin 針對您的線上簡報也能自己製作,TeamViewer QuickJoin  有了 Windows 應用程式QuickJoin,您的客戶可以輕易參與您的簡報。您的客戶可以啟動QuickJoin模組並使用工作階段資料登入 - 非常適合快速而輕鬆地參與線上簡報。

TeamViewer Management Console

△ 針對無人看管的伺服器: TeamViewer Host  可通過以系統服務的形式執行,適用在 24/7 存取遠端電腦,包括登入/登出和遠端重新開機 -最理想的伺服器維護或家庭辦公室存取解決方案 。

若有客製化 TeamViewer 的需求,就自己動手設計看看囉!

建立 TeamViewer 自訂模組:

TeamViewer Management Console

TeamViewer Management Console 相關文章
