ColorConsole lets you change the UI language, text emphasis mode and background color. You can prepare the text for printing after configuring settings, use a search function when dealing with large amounts of data, quickly access favorite locations on th
ColorConsole... CMD... Netsh-XP... Netsh-7... Netsh-Vista... Powershell... 0.046 Windows 10 Show Administrative Tools, how to? / Was ist besser herunterfahren, oder Standbymodus? / Bei Windows 8.1/10 Schriftgröße und Schriftart ändern / ...
This C# page shows how to use Console.BackgroundColor and Console.ForegroundColor. C#: Console ["url(data:image/jpeg; base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD ...
ColorConsole - A very simple class library that provides short-hand colored output ... Sign up Sign in Pricing Blog Support Search GitHub This repository Watch 1 Star 4 Fork 1 rmckirby / ColorConsole Code Issues 0 Pull requests 0 Projects 0
If you just need to print colored text using the same API on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X, colorconsole can be a good option. It uses ctypes to access Windows ...
ColorConsole quite simply does exactly what it says; allows you to use (cmd.exe) (DOS prompt) with colors and adds additional features. Great for someone with ...
ColorConsole Freeware - customizable command shell ... I was highly impressed with ColorConsole. At first I felt this would be nothing more than a simple, well,... colored console. It's much more than that.
工程師們一定會常常使用到系統內的 cmd 命令提示字元,從 XP 到現在的 Windows 8 都長得差不多,功能也沒任何的長進,尤其要複製內容時超級麻煩,相信有用過的人知道!我覺得從今天起可以使用 ColorConsole 來取代,一樣可以輸入指令,複製文字內容更加的方便,而指令輸出的即果可以進行直接的編輯,包含了輸入文字,色彩的變化等,更能將內容結果直接輸出成 HTML 與 RTF 檔案。