colorconsole uses a common set of console (text mode) primitives, available on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. The API is the same on all operating systems ...
ColorConsole quite simply does exactly what it says; allows you to use (cmd.exe) (DOS prompt) with colors and adds additional features. Great for someone with ...
ColorConsole - A very simple class library that provides short-hand colored output ... Sign up Sign in Pricing Blog Support Search GitHub This repository Watch 1 Star 4 Fork 1 rmckirby / ColorConsole Code Issues 0 Pull requests 0 Projects 0
ColorConsole brings a little color to your black and white world of Windows console . With changeable font style and color . One can save many hand moves and also time An installation of ColorConsole is not required.
ColorConsole... CMD... Netsh-XP... Netsh-7... Netsh-Vista... Powershell... 0.046 Windows 10 Show Administrative Tools, how to? / Was ist besser herunterfahren, oder Standbymodus? / Bei Windows 8.1/10 Schriftgröße und Schriftart ändern / ...
ColorConsole Freeware - customizable command shell ... I was highly impressed with ColorConsole. At first I felt this would be nothing more than a simple, well,... colored console. It's much more than that.
This C# page shows how to use Console.BackgroundColor and Console.ForegroundColor. C#: Console ["url(data:image/jpeg; base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD ...
ColorConsole lets you change the UI language, text emphasis mode and background color. You can prepare the text for printing after configuring settings, use a search function when dealing with large amounts of data, quickly access favorite locations on th
工程師們一定會常常使用到系統內的 cmd 命令提示字元,從 XP 到現在的 Windows 8 都長得差不多,功能也沒任何的長進,尤其要複製內容時超級麻煩,相信有用過的人知道!我覺得從今天起可以使用 ColorConsole 來取代,一樣可以輸入指令,複製文字內容更加的方便,而指令輸出的即果可以進行直接的編輯,包含了輸入文字,色彩的變化等,更能將內容結果直接輸出成 HTML 與 RTF 檔案。