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From Opera Software: Opera Mail is a lightweight and customizable mail client for your Windows PC. It has many features which will make your every day email experience in a new way. View multiple emails with elegant tabs, threads help you smartly organize
By clicking "Create account" you affirm that you are of legal age to form a binding contract with Opera and accept our Terms of Service. Create account. Already ...
Opera Mail (formerly known as M2) is the email and news client developed by Opera Software. It was an integrated component within the Opera web browser from version 2 through 12. With the release of Opera 15 in 2013, Opera Mail became a separate product a
The Mail panel is the key to using Opera Mail. It gives you easy access to all your mail and news, and allows you to quickly read and send messages. The panel ...
Opera Mail Tutorial. Get started with Opera Mail. This topic shows you how to create an account and import messages and settings so that you can start using ...
最早以前使用 Outlook Express 電腦端收信的時代,到後來使用 Gmail 網路收信的使用,不知道大家喜歡哪一種呢?我覺得個人使用還是線上方便,不過若是信件往來頻繁的話,收信軟體真的比較實在,不過微軟的 Outlook 是付費軟體,免費的替代方案可以試試看 Opera Mail,同樣為電腦端的收信軟體,支援 IMAP 收信與 SMTP 寄信,再加上標籤的管理功能,而且使用介面也還算是清爽,推薦大家可以使用看看唷!