Download OOo4Kids now from Softonic: 100% safe and virus free. More than 466 downloads this month. Download OOo4Kids latest version for free ... Articles OOo4Kids LibreOffice: an excellent open source productivity suite by Elena Santos The selection of ..
OOo4Kids est une suite bureautique libre, gratuite et multiplateforme qui s'adresse en particulier aux élèves de l'école primaire, voire du collège. La suite est ...
Main OOo4Kids page The information below is now deprecated Right now, we are researching in our countries, to understand exactally what they want and need. Childrens have different growing for different live conditions. At Brazil we ar researching on publ
OOo4Kids has been created as a simplified alternative of the OpenOffice suite that includes multiple modules for word processing, working with spreadsheets, presentations and databases. The suite is adapted for children and sports five modules, Writer, Ca
OOo4Kids, free and safe download. OOo4Kids latest version: OpenOffice for younger users. Kids start using computers earlier and earlier these days, and it's a good idea for them ...