In Internet Explorer application: Right-click on the main toolbar of Internet Explorer, and from the popup menu, select "Customize". In the "Customize Toolbar" window, remove the cookies icon from list of toolbar buttons. The first and
IECookiesView is a small utility that displays the details of all cookies that Internet Explorer stores on your computer. In addition, it allows you to do the following actions: Sort the cookies list by any column you want, by clicking the column header.
IECookiesView: Cookies Viewer/Manager for IE - View/Delete/Modify the cookies that Internet Explorer stores on your computer. Read More >> · IEHistoryView ...
IECookiesView is also available in other languages. In order to change the language of IECookiesView, download the appropriate language zip file, extract the 'iecv_lng.ini', and put it in the same folder that you Installed IECookiesView utility.
New in IECookiesView 1.78: Fixed issue: IECookiesView failed to read cookies properly on IE10/IE11 with Windows 7 if the cookies folder had an old index.dat file from previous versions of IE. Read the full changelog
IECookiesView is a small utility that displays the details of all cookies, which Internet Explorer stores on your computer. Additionally IECookiesView allows you to ...
IECookiesView is a small utility that displays the details of all cookies, which Internet Explorer stores on your computer. Additionally IECookiesView allows you to sort the cookies list by any column you want, just by clicking the column header, then a s
IECookiesView Freeware - view and manage your cookies Home Freeware Shareware Latest Downloads Editor's Selections Top 100 Portable Apps More Home Freeware ...
大家每天不斷地上網瀏覽,總是會在電腦中留下一些 Cookies 資訊,這些資訊對大家來說可能不重要,不過對於寫網站的人來說是很方便的,等同於暫存了一些參數在你的電腦裡,這樣就不用一直與伺服器做連線認證,像是大家常常會登入一些網站,都是依靠 Cookies 才能持續保持著登入狀態,那麼 Cookies 內到底有哪些資訊呢?可以透過 IECookiesView 來查看與修改,有些網站寫的比較差,搞不好改改 Cookies 就可以取得管理者權限呢!