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想找iographica都在【愛順發分享文】提供有IOGraph 67筆1頁,IOGraph高人氣排行,Press Gizmodo You may have seen these kind of visualzations before; they’re the product of an awesome little program called IOGraph that you can download and mess with yourself.
2010年2月24日 - IOGraphica is an application that tracks your mouse movements and converts them into a single image showing all the paths you have made ...
IOGraphica 。 2578 個讚· 1 人正在談論這個。 IOGraph — is an application that turns mouse movements into a modern art. Download it from ... IOGraphica is an application that tracks your mouse movements and converts them into a single image showing all the paths you have made with your mouse. Bits, The New York Times Blog If you’ve ever wondered about the flow of your a
2013年10月31日 - IOGraphica. IOGraphica (Credit: IOGraphica). Related. Next →. saypeople. gives you the news and information about Science, ...