See more of IOGraphica by logging into Facebook Message this Page, learn about upcoming events and more. If you don't have a Facebook account, you can create one to see more of this Page. Sign Up Log In Not Now Posts IOGraphica · May 12, 2016 ·
2010年2月24日 - IOGraphica is an application that tracks your mouse movements and converts them into a single image showing all the paths you have made ...
2011年4月15日 - The free tool IOGraphica provides the ability to track mouse user interaction on sites quickly and easily.
CreativeApplication.net IOGraphica is an application that tracks your mouse movements and converts them into a single image showing all the paths you have made with your mouse. Bits, The New York Times Blog If you’ve ever wondered about the flow of your a
IOGraphica 是一个特别有意思的程序,它可以将鼠标移动的轨迹记录下来,并生成 PNG 格式的图片。下图便是我使用 IOGraphica 所产生的图像,看起来是不是很有艺术性呢? IOGraphica 支持 Linux、Mac OS X、Windows 等平台,可从其官方网站下载。
想找iographica都在【愛順發分享文】提供有IOGraph 67筆1頁,IOGraph高人氣排行,Press Gizmodo You may have seen these kind of visualzations before; they’re the product of an awesome little program called IOGraph that you can download and mess with yourself.
If you are outside the United States you may incur additional customs duties or taxes. iOgrapher is not responsible. Please double check your order to make sure you have the correct product for the device. If you have any questions please click the chat l
IOGraphica 。 2578 個讚· 1 人正在談論這個。 IOGraph — is an application that turns mouse movements into a modern art. Download it from http://iographica.com/ ...
2016年3月31日 - 大家每天用電腦都會使用滑鼠,桌面上的鼠標也整天跑來跑去,知道自己滑鼠使用的熱點在哪裡嗎?大家可以透過IOGraphica 來追蹤看看,他會記錄 ...