From NGWIN: 1Clipboard is a universal clipboard managing app that makes it easy to access your clipboard from anywhere on any device. It keeps track of everything you copy into your clipboard across the device. So all you need to do is just copy as usual
1Clipboard is a universal clipboard managing app that makes it easy to access your clipboard from anywhere on any device. ... Security that you can trust Powered by Google, 1Clipboard synchronizes your clipboard through Google Drive - proven, secure place
Thank you for installing 1Clipboard! Please note that 1Clipbard is still improving, so we are expecting that there might be a few unknown issues. Please get in touch if you are having any problems and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
工作的點點滴滴該如何記錄?這是一個很深奧的問題,假若工作都是在電腦前面的話,我個人覺得剪貼簿工具會是非常棒的工作紀錄工具,因為所有複製的內容都會自動存檔,雖然不是每一次的複製都是有用的內容,但是只要有複製就能記錄的很完整,1Clipboard 可以記錄複製的文字與圖片內容,在功能上雖然並非一等一的剪貼簿工具,但是簡單實用,而且具備有雲端功能,透過 Google 帳號上雲端,在不同電腦可以存取唷!