Free Download CPUMon 2.1 - Helps you keep an eye on the CPU usage directly from your desktop, displaying a real-time graphical representation of the ...
CPUMon is a simple little gadget for monitoring CPU performance from your desktop. It displays a real-time graph of CPU performance as well as current usage indicator. Features include user defined colors, transparency, alpha-blending, adjustable update r
From Denis Kozlov: CPUMon is a simple little gadget for monitoring CPU performance from your desktop. It displays a real-time graph of CPU performance as well as current usage indicator. Features include user defined colors, transparency, alpha-blending,
CPUMon Freeware - CPU monitor ... Having used another excellent resource meter for some time I was a bit concerned about how much resource the meter itself was using.
CPUMon is a simple little gadget for monitoring CPU performance from your desktop. It displays a real-time graph of CPU performance as well as current usage indicator. Features include user defined colors, transparency, alpha-blending, adjustable update r
電腦效能到底足夠不足夠?可以從 CPU 的使用狀態來查看,這是最快的方式,若是 CPU 老是滿載,那麼就代表 CPU 已經無法滿足你的使用需求,或許就是該升級電腦的時刻,要如何長期觀察 CPU 的使用狀態呢?CPUMon 是個簡單方便的小工具,他可以簡易的顯示一個浮動在桌面最上層的 CPU 圖表,讓你很方便觀察 CPU 使用率、記憶體用量的變化,若有需要即時知道 CPU狀態的機器,這款算是很方便唷!