CPUMon is a simple little gadget to monitor CPU performance from your desktop within a real-time graph as well as a current usage indicator. The display supports custom colors, alpha-blending, user defined update rates and more. Some of the features ...
CPUMon is a simple little gadget for monitoring CPU performance from your desktop. It displays a real-time graph of CPU performance as well as current usage indicator. Features include user defined colors, transparency, alpha-blending, adjustable update r
2016年5月11日 - Download CPUMon (Freeware). CPUMon is a simple little gadget to monitor CPU performance from your desktop.
Free Download CPUMon 2.1 - Helps you keep an eye on the CPU usage directly from your desktop, displaying a real-time graphical representation of the ...
2016年5月10日 - CPUMon 可以時時監控著電腦CPU 的執行速度,以及CPU 使用率,另一方面,更可以統計我們CPU 的平均使用率、記憶體平均使用率、以及記憶體 ...
2012年2月29日 - CPUMon是一套監控CPU效能的工具,不過它不是單純只有監控的作用,還可以讓您了解目前使用的CPU型號及相關資訊。雖然工作管理員也可以 ...
2012年2月27日 - CPUMon是一套監控CPU效能的工具,不過CPUMon不是單純只有監控的作用,CPUMon還可以讓您了解您目前使用的CPU型號及相關 ...
2016年5月16日 - CPU監控軟體- CPUMon,可以在電腦工作列右下角及桌面即時顯示CPU使用率(可以設定以數字顯示),以及記憶體使用率,可以自訂更新頻率及 ...
CPUMon Freeware - CPU monitor ... Having used another excellent resource meter for some time I was a bit concerned about how much resource the meter itself was using.
CPUMon is a simple little gadget for monitoring CPU performance from your desktop. It displays a real-time graph of CPU performance as well as current usage indicator. Features include user defined colors, transparency, alpha-blending, adjustable update r