【注意】寶可夢外掛玩家請暫停使用外掛! Incompatible API, Not Compatible with 0.39.0 API 目前 Pokemon GO 可能暫時先不要跑外掛,因為官方強制使用 0.39.0 API,大部分的外掛都還使用 0.35.0 API,目前已經有部分功能不支援,官方會知道你仍然使用舊 ...
目前 Pokemon GO 可能暫時先不要跑外掛,因為官方強制使用 0.39.0 API,大部分的外掛都還使用 0.35.0 API,目前已經有部分功能不支援,官方會知道你仍然使用舊版本的 API 連線,那麼你被封鎖的機率就是 100%!目前由 NecroBot2 的 GitHub 得知的訊息是如此,Catchem 的官方也表示 CURRENTLY NOT WORKING DUE TO API UPDATE!!! 代表 API 已經更新,暫時無法運作 Database storage, Pokemon info, Route creator data [NOT WORKING]。
Pokémon Go 0.39 Forced Update - Necrobot is Down!Niantic has forced minimum version of Pokebot clients to 0.39. So all bots, map scanners, and other unauthorized clients are down until the new API has been cracked.Do not attempt to connect with any bot or else you will be flagged as a bot since all bots use the 0.35 API.STOP BOTTING 0.39 API IS BEING FORCED NOW.Bot might work, but you will get flagged and banned.1. The Official Apps forced to use 0.39.0 API. 2. All bots are .35 API 3. Niantic will let you connect with not authorized .35 API 4. Now they know 100% you are bot account....... BAN.(and your pattern can let them ban all your accounts)WE DO NOT HAVE SOLUTION TO NEW 0.39.0 API & DON'T HAVE ETA.