Facebook Like Checker 追蹤粉絲專頁的粉絲都來自哪些國家
Facebook Like Checker 追蹤粉絲專頁的粉絲都來自哪些國家


Like Explorer


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FB Like Checker - Facebook

Check your Facebook Page Likes Demographics and know your fans countries here at: http://www.babagak.com/FacebookLikeChecker/

FB Like Checker - Home

FB Like Checker. 282 likes · 3 talking about this. Facebook Like Checker is a Free App that lets you check any Facebook Page likes by country, A great... ... Facebook Like Checker is a Free App that lets you check any Facebook Page likes country wise, A .


You may receive SMS Notifications from Facebook and can opt out at any time. Create Account Security Check This field is required. Can't read the words below? Try different words or an audio captcha.. Loading... Enter the text you see above. Why am I


FACEBOOK LIKE CHECKER Check any Facebook page likes Find Facebook ID Buy This APP Facebook Like Checker Version 2 Is Coming Cool Whatever Likes Countries Page ID Likes Country-wise Showing countries with the most likes # Country No. of · · ...

FB Like Checker - 首頁

FB Like Checker 。 260 個讚· 8 人正在談論這個。 Facebook Like Checker is a Free App that lets you check any Facebook Page likes by country, A great tool for...

Like Button - Social Plugins - Documentation

Like Button for the Web A single click on the Like button will 'like' pieces of content on the web and share them on Facebook. You can also display a Share button next to the Like button to let people add a personal message and customize who they

Facebook Like Checker-01

看全文:Facebook Like Checker 查出FB 的「按讚」來源是哪些國家…. 圖檔名稱: Facebook Like Checker-01; 日期: 08-23, 2017; 檢視原尺寸圖檔: 885 × 628 · 下一張.

《FACEBOOK LIKE CHECKER》檢查按讚粉絲來源國家其實台灣企業 ...

《FACEBOOK LIKE CHECKER》是個網頁工具,你可以在他們的網頁上直接輸入一個Facebook 粉絲團的網址,接著他就會自動進行按讚粉絲國籍的檢查,還是要提醒 ...

Facebook Like Checker 查出FB 的「按讚」來源是哪些國家….

13 小時前 - 其實他有沒有能力選上我是不知道,不過倒是有網友轉貼了一個相當有趣的線上應用Facebook Like Checker 小工具,可以用很簡單易懂的圓餅圖等 ...

Analyze your Facebook page

LikeAlyzer helps you to measure and analyze the potential and success rate of your Facebook Pages. Get your review today! Analyze About Statistics FAQ Contact Español ...

Facebook Like Checker 追蹤粉絲專頁的粉絲都來自哪些國家

Facebook Like Checker 追蹤粉絲專頁的粉絲都來自哪些國家

經營粉絲專頁是件困難的事情,要有對的群眾就要有對的主題,粉絲才會逐漸累積,當然也聽聞不少粉絲團是買來的,那就可以透過 Facebook Like Checker 來檢查這些粉絲是來自於哪些國家,也算是粉絲團健康檢查的一種,對於廣告主來說,也更加能確認目標的國家是否是正確的,檢查出來的數據可以當成一種參考唷!

Facebook Like Checker:http://www.ershad7.com/FacebookLikeChecker/

Facebook 粉絲專頁粉絲來源國家查詢

首先當然是輸入自己的粉絲專頁網址,之後點選 Analyze。

Facebook 粉絲專頁粉絲來源國家查詢

分析過後會先顯示有多少人喜歡這個粉絲專頁,與告訴你粉絲遍佈了幾個國家,以及粉絲頁的 Page ID。

Facebook 粉絲專頁粉絲來源國家查詢


Facebook Like Checker:http://www.ershad7.com/FacebookLikeChecker/

Facebook Like Checker

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