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iDailyDiary provides a simple interface that immediately allows you to take daily notes, create a journal, put your thoughts into writing and build up a record of exactly what you´ve been doing and when. The iDailyDiary editor is "richtext" with
下载 iDailyDiary 3.93. 在电脑上写日记. 如果你通常忘性比较大,如果你喜欢写日记来记录下你的点点滴滴,那么现在你可以放下你的纸和笔,在你的电脑上肆意抒发你的文采了。没错,只需拥有这款名为iDailyDiary的应用程序,从此就可以在电脑上记录下你的 ...
Splinterware provides free and commercial software, Autorota Staff Scheduling, Windows Scheduler and Task Launcher, Clipboards, Launchkey, diary, journal, idailydiary, microsoft ... Scheduler to run applications, popup reminders and other useful tasks. Va
日記軟體 記事本軟體 你可能對這些內容也有興趣 上一篇:多媒體影音播放器《GOM Player》支援大部份常見格式,可連續擷取圖片 ... 下一篇:透過《dushare》用瀏覽器與朋友互相傳檔,可加上密碼還可聊天 作者:阿湯 對電腦 & 網路資訊充滿興趣與熱情、瘋 ...
Download iDailyDiary 3.93. Write your Diary... on your computer. If you don't have a good memory and you like writing diaries, now you can forget the pen and ...
DailyDiary is the easiest way for you to keep a private diary (or journal, if you prefer) of all sorts of things about your life. But not just a common diary made up of words only. A DailyDiary can have numbers too! If you know how to reply to an email, y
最後就可以取得軟體下載連結,這次的版本是註冊安裝版,不管是安裝版、免安裝版都可以到文末下載。 Daily Journal 用電腦寫日記 △ 開啟軟體後 ...
Efficient Diary是一款好用且免費的日記軟體,有著介面簡潔、操作簡單、功能強大等優點。可以幫你紀錄名言佳句、名人語錄、人生座右銘、及心情日記。效能日記本支持檔加密,充分保護個人隱私,支援插入圖片、表情、表格和附件等。