iDailyDiary has been designed around a simple page-for-a-day diary. As you can see, your diary can contain a mixture of pictures and formated text. Image files of various types are supported including Bitmap, JPeg, Icons and even animated GIF's. Below
DailyDiary is the easiest way for you to keep a private diary (or journal, if you prefer) of all sorts of things about your life. But not just a common diary made up of words only. A DailyDiary can have numbers too! If you know how to reply to an email, y
Efficient Diary是一款好用且免費的日記軟體,有著介面簡潔、操作簡單、功能強大等優點。可以幫你紀錄名言佳句、名人語錄、人生座右銘、及心情日記。效能日記本支持檔加密,充分保護個人隱私,支援插入圖片、表情、表格和附件等。
「 Journey 」是 Android 上最好的日記 App ,並且具備 Chrome App 可以在任何電腦桌面上同步寫日記 ,擁有優秀的介面、流暢的編輯 ... 在電腦玩物介紹過一系列「 MyScript 」的工具,他們利用獨特的數位筆跡技術,創造出許多好用的手寫服務,有手寫筆記 ...
請問有沒有寫日記的好用軟體? 不僅可以寫文字,還可以加圖片, 同時有很多種版面,可以印出紙本來當紀念? 那兒找的到? 最好是免費的囉?
2012年6月16日 - iDailyDiary is journaling software that has a strong resemblance to a word processor or a full-featured e-mail client such as Outlook, with ...
Splinterware provides free and commercial software, Autorota Staff Scheduling, Windows Scheduler and Task Launcher, Clipboards, Launchkey, diary, journal, idailydiary, microsoft ... Scheduler to run applications, popup reminders and other useful tasks. Va
Ordering iDailyDiary Professional We have several payment methods available. It is fastest to pay online using a credit card, though payment via purchase order ...
請推薦比較好用的日記軟體--需有備份 or 同步+支持全文檢索功能 - 請推薦比較好用的日記軟體--需有備份 or 同步+支持全文檢索功能謝謝...(iPhone 軟體 第1頁)
Efficient Diary – 免費好用影音圖文日記軟體下載 (免安裝中文版) 作者 ... 但相信不少朋友還是有寫日記習慣,卻找不到合適方便的電腦日記軟體?? 推薦一款還不錯的小軟體 – Efficient Diary (免安裝中文版) ...