Copy Handler 1.40 Beta.rar(ZIPPYSHARE空間下載)

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Copy Handler 1.40 檔案複製不能續傳媽?當然可以啊!

Copy Handler 1.40 檔案複製不能續傳媽?當然可以啊!


Copy Handler 1.40 Beta.rar(RAPIDGATOR空間下載) Copy Handler 1.40 Beta.rar(MEDIAFIRE空間下載)
Copy Handler 1.40 Beta.rar(EZ3C空間下載) Copy Handler 1.32 64bit.7z(FIREDRIVE空間下載) Copy Handler 1.32 64bit.7z(ZIPPYSHARE空間下載) 歷史版本檔案下載 more


Copy Handler

Copy Handler is an open source, free software for Windows systems allowing you to take full control over the file copy and move operations.

Copy Handler 1.45 Beta 1 免安裝中文版

大量檔案複製移動工具- Copy Handler,當有龐大檔案需要複製或移動的時候,可以 利用此工具來進行暫停、續傳、重新開始、取消等控制,並且顯示進度與速度等 ...

Copy Handler - Free download and software reviews

7 Nov 2006 ... Copy Handler program is a small tool designed for copy/move files and folders between different storage medias (hard disks, floppy disks, local ...

Copy Handler download

19 Jan 2017 ... Copy Handler download. Copy Handler 2017-01-19 12:47:52 free download. Copy Handler Copy Handler program is a small tool designed for ...


2008年6月2日 ... 先將我做的繁體中文語言檔複製到C:\Program Files\Copy Handler\langs 目錄中, 再開啟選項視窗將介面切換為「正體中文」,並將其設定開機時自動 ...

用Copy Handler 複製多個同名稱,但沒檔案的空資料夾| T客邦

2011年10月1日 ... 如果你會dos 指令,可以在「命令行模式」下,用xcopy 指令加參數做。如果你對dos 不熟悉也沒關係,透過「Copy Handler」這個軟體,也能輕鬆做到 ...


Download the newest version of Copy Handler, the open source software allowing you to take full control over the file copy and move operations.


Main features full control over the copy and move operations through pause, resume, restart and cancel functionalities, faster than integrated Windows copying ...

Download Copy Handler

18 Nov 2016 ... Description. Copy Handler is a free, open source tool for Microsoft Windows that allows you to manage different copy/move operations for files ...

Download Copy Handler 1.32

Copy Handler is an app which allows you customize the file copy and move functions on your system. The app is highly customizable and fully integrates with ...

Copy Handler 相關文章

Copy Handler 1.40 檔案複製不能續傳媽?當然可以啊!

Copy Handler 1.40 檔案複製不能續傳媽?當然可以啊!

Copy Handler 是一款複制軟體。它的功能非常強大。支援像 Flashget 一樣的斷點續傳,可以設定緩衝。優先級別。等。在複制/移動過程中。如果突然斷電。在下次打開Copy Handler 時會繼續上次的傳送。不會有任何影響。而且最重要的是不像系統自帶的複制功能在複制/移動時會佔用大量記憶體。在複制/移動過程中,您可以隨心所欲的做其它任何事情。

Copy Handler program is a small tool designed for copy/move files and folders between different storage medias (hard disks, floppy disks, local networks, CD-ROMs and many other).

Advantages of the program:

    * copying data at rates up to 6-7 times faster than standard MS Windows copying (when copying data from one partiton to another on the same physical hard disk);
    * allow full-control over the copying/moving process by pause, resume, restart and cancel features;
    * fully customizable - over 60 detailed options - from setting language (multiple languages) through auto-resume on error, shutting down system after copying finished to very detailed and technical (customizing copy/move thread - buffer sizes, thread priority, ...) ending on sounds on specific events;
    * multiple languages support - and more may appear, since the translation process is quite easy;
    * provides detailed informations about copy/move process (currect file, buffer sizes, priority, progress by size and visual bar, status, current and average speed, time elapsed/left, ...);
    * can automatically resume all unfinished operations when system starts;
    * limiting count of simultaneously processing tasks (copyings/movings) - tasks are set into a queue and are processed in order it was inserted into queue;
    * integration with system - adds additional commands to context menus of folders and drag&drop menus;
    * this program is open source - just download and use...

Copy Handler 1.40 Beta.rar(1gbpsbox下載)
Copy Handler 1.40 Beta.rar(MediaFire下載)
Copy Handler 1.40 Beta.rar(Rapidgator下載)
Copy Handler 1.40 Beta.rar(ZippyShare下載)
Copy Handler 1.40 Beta.rar(本站下載)
檔案大小:8.14 MB

Copy Handler