我之前有刷ROOT,不小心更新到,無法開機,在刷回原廠的過程中,有看到要再命令提示字元打 adb sideload UL-Z00A-WW-這是我手機看之前簡易ROOT,運氣好 ...
2016年2月25日 - 彩色的DOS視窗- ColorConsole,讓Windows命令提示字元(cmd.exe)不再只有黑與白,並且增加許多實用功能:透過類似書籤的方式快速執行指令( ...
If you just need to print colored text using the same API on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X, colorconsole can be a good option. It uses ctypes to access Windows ...
ColorConsole quite simply does exactly what it says; allows you to use (cmd.exe) (DOS prompt) with colors and adds additional features. Great for someone with ...
Windows Powershell 再次取代命令提示字元成為系統的預設選項。 新增「夜間光線」功能 (類似 iOS 的 Night Shift,其實就是模擬濾藍光)。 ...
ColorConsole brings a little color to your black and white world of Windows console . With changeable font style and color . One can save many hand moves and also time An installation of ColorConsole is not required.
ColorConsole 是一款命令提示字元(CMD)替代工具,適合經常在命令提示字元下操作的朋友。一般情況下,命令提示字元足以應付一切了,如果您經常使用命令提示 字元,不妨試試 ColorConsole,它不僅能夠收藏您最常用的命令,而且能夠像瀏覽器一樣標籤化 ...
ColorConsole lets you change the UI language, text emphasis mode and background color. You can prepare the text for printing after configuring settings, use a search function when dealing with large amounts of data, quickly access favorite locations on th
colorconsole uses a common set of console (text mode) primitives, available on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. The API is the same on all operating systems ...
ColorConsole Freeware - customizable command shell ... I was highly impressed with ColorConsole. At first I felt this would be nothing more than a simple, well,... colored console. It's much more than that.